Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sea to the ttle Portland woosh


every stamp was filled with love

etable flowers mango fennel. yum yum

keeping in classy

Buzz time line pictures, snap snap... what a good guy

MoTH... monster of a dog. love


healing summit

jay dubber.. really awesome person.. manafestation magic..


Sunday, September 19, 2010

true identity with a dear friend

A person is limited according to his or her attachment. It doesn't matter what you have or what you don't have, it matters only how easily you can let go..
yogi bhajan

What is real to me is compassion. Finding someone true potential and holding space for them to find there own way with life. The only lens I want to see through is. is. is. compassion. I cannot Judge your journey.. you cannot judge mine...

I am here.

Reality Itself Is Truth Itself

Is The Beautiful Itself.
-Avatar Adi Da

Friday, September 17, 2010

the Land of........


Chad and Billy

Cody, the metal didg crafter!

Love... is what is.

when I dis burst into the universe I would like to come back as moss and create an eco system

vibration sound bounce...

All I can say is, slug slug slugzzzz

Family LOVE
Oregon is over for the moment.
New Adventure

Friday, September 10, 2010


Tomato Mascot for the trip from the mountain to the oaklandbay.
Night time falls as we hit the coast to listen to the ocean roar.
Pure life.

"If I don't see you again I will see you "up" there."
This man and his brother help us get the bus on the road. Blessed.

Mountain Ranch Community. Reunion

All types of people around the community land got together played music and game. Billy and I played together, I hope to be sent the pictures this guy was taking(cross fingers!) beautiful baby, beautiful dogs, fun, and lovely time, bird making.

what can I say I loe the kittens.

Lay LOW in Oakland. kitty love, walking, talking to an old friend(snarly bike accident), cooking food, community effort dinner, love. Slug friend I had a moment with.

Riding route five. oh yea
Magic of cloud formation

Cooking on the road, amazing chow mein(heathfood high), nori raps all day long. most of my diet.

next stop Oregon!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

beginning is rough... but worth it.

Met a Grampa Gipsy and going up the coast with his bus, and play some music

Billy and I

Gauging life


To much Oil. let it go! bus troubles
Billy is a bad ass

Road runner medicine

D JENT (ALEX) and I CD...... coming soon. Homemade covers, painted by me. DJ FUSION

TUFF LOVE.. light.

This pup wanted to come with us. we left the bus to go play shows up north California.

next, moutains. love